
Clarus ‘12 Recap and Resources on ‘The Cross-Shaped Christian Life’

From March 9 to 11, Christians from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the surrounding Southwest region gathered at Desert Springs Church for Clarus ‘12, a regional conference of The Gospel Coalition.

Our speakers, D.A. Carson and Fred G. Zaspel, addressed this year’s theme, “The Cross-Shaped Christian Life,” by showing how the cross transforms and continues to transform God’s people for his glory.

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In addition to a panel discussion led by Ryan Kelly (audio; blog recap), both men spoke three times. For those who couldn’t join us, video will be available in the weeks to come. Audio is available now along with blog summaries for each session:

D.A. Carson


Fred G. Zaspel

In addition to a number of other ministries and publishers, we were joined Rick Friesen with Peacemaker Ministries for a special session on Saturday, “Handling Everyday Conflict” (audio; blog recap). And Jim Tomaszewski joined us from Children Desiring God to host our annual pre-conference Pastor’s Luncheon and Q&A with our speakers.

Photos of the event are available here and here, and at the TGC: Albuquerque Facebook Page.

