
Winston Churchill deemed Uganda the “Pearl of Africa,” due to its stunning scenery and charming people. Although the country officially gained independence in 1962, both the land and its inhabitants bear the physical scars of violence induced by harsh tyrannical rule. Today the country wages an ongoing battle against poverty and the AIDS/HIV epidemic.

Just as the country bears the physical scars of past dictatorship, the church bears the scars of false teachings. Cult practices and false prophets proclaiming the so-called prosperity gospel lead many Ugandans astray from the true Gospel.

Mike and Rebecca Watters are missionaries with Action International. They moved to Uganda in 2010 to disciple members at Berea Baptist Church, in Kampala, the capital city. Before moving, they loaded up on theological resources from long-time partner Desiring God. During the last four years, they’ve received resources via Packing Hope, a theological famine relief project of The Gospel Coalition-International Outreach (TGC-IO).

The Watters have witnessed the growth of church leaders who benefit from the solid biblical materials, including three men from three different regions of Uganda. These men, profiled below, have learned to follow Christ genuinely, holding fast to the true Gospel of Jesus.

Prosperity to Persecution 

Filberto, who came to Berea Baptist from Eastern Uganda, initially professed Christian faith out of a compelling desire for health and wealth, the same desire that attracts many Ugandans to the “prosperity gospel.” However, the gospel message bored and disinterested him as anxiety consumed his life.

Things started to change when Filberto met Mike, who introduced him to sound teaching. The Gospel came alive to Filberto, restoring his life and his marriage.

“For the first time I learnt [sic] that salvation was by God’s grace, and faith, through the finished work of Christ on the cross, and not man’s effort,” Filberto says. “The Gospel is more precious, life is precious; my marriage is a blessing.”

Due to religious persecution, Filberto recently lost his job of eight years as a secondary teacher at a prestigious school. He considers it a worthy cause to be counted to suffer for the name of Christ and he’s confident the Lord will provide another job to support his family of four.

Cult to Missions 

Zora was involved in a cult led by a “Prophet” when he began attending Berea Baptist Church. During a year-long men’s study through Peter Jeffery’s The Christian Handbook, the Lord opened his eyes to the futility of attending the cult services. In 2009 he gave his life to Christ.

Enraged by Zora’s decision, his family kicked him out, leaving him homeless. He says he would have despaired if not for his church, Bible study and the helpful resources. John Piper’s Don’t Waste Your Life served as a wake-up call. Zora not only realized that he was not glorifying God in every area of his life, but that he could find joy in the midst of suffering.

“I can say all day and all night how much the materials have impacted me. This I know: God will always provide a way for his children to grow,” he says.

Zora struggled financially, relying fully on the Lord’s provisions for each day. In 2012 he was awarded a full scholarship at African Renewal University. He is now prayerfully considering returning as a missionary to his hometown in northern Uganda after earning his diploma later this year.

Restored Marriage  

When Mike Watters first came to Berea Baptist Church he met a Western Ugandan, Robert, the leader of the men’s ministry and a lecturer at Africa Renewal University.

Robert came to saving faith in 1985, but has faced many hardships since. When his men’s ministry studied Don’t Waste Your Life in 2011, Robert says God used the teaching to restore his marriage by convicting him to love and cherish his wife unconditionally. Recently he went through a DVD series, Battling Unbelief (also by Piper), which made a huge impact on his personal life and ministry.

Robert appreciates John Piper for pastoring those he has not seen, the Watters for their encouragement, and TGC-International Outreach for providing the resources that allow him to persevere in his faith.

Robert and the others have stronger homes and ministries because of sound theological support. As these men spread life-changing truths, many in their circles of influence also gain understanding of the true Gospel.

