
I’ve highlighted the book The Shepherd Leader, by Tim Witmer, and want to say again what a helpful book it is, giving biblical foundation and practical suggestions for church leaders to shepherd the flock entrusted to them.

Two additional things about the book:

1) I think most readers could skip chapters 2-3. I suspect a number of readers might get bogged down early on and miss the really helpful and thoughtful practical material in the second half of the book.

2) For those interested in implementing some of the suggestions, The Shepherd Leader website has some helpful downloadable forms (for free) that you can use. They are in .zip files:

Delegating the Flock
Use this form to delegate church members among the shepherding teams.

Shepherds View Sheet
Use this form to track member attendance and note monthly prayer requests.

Monthly Report
Shepherding teams fill out this form at monthly accountability forms.
