
Here’s a book that families and pastors should know of: Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God. Here’s what I wrote about it:

Long Story Short is the best material for family devotions I’ve ever seen. If you’re looking for something careful, creative, and Christ-centered—without being corny, confusing, or condescending—look no further. Pastors would be wise to buy this book by the boxful and get a copy into the hands of each family in their church.

WTS Books has it on sale for 65% off (it retails for $19.99, and they have it for $6.99 for 48 hours only, I think).

You can read some sample materials here.

Here are some other endorsements:

“This is simply an outstanding book, and Christian families need it right now. I have never seen a devotional book that is so well suited to family devotions and to children, even as it is faithful in relating biblical truth. This book will help any Christian parent lead family devotions that will be memorable, faithful, and practical for Christian living. I’ll admit this too—parents will find that they love the stories, illustrations, and learning suggestions along with their children. Marty Machowski has written a wonderful book.”
R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“I love the simplicity and practicality of Long Story Short. Marty Machowski gives parents a valuable resource to make disciples in our homes by highlighting the gospel story and the Hero of Scripture. I plan to strongly encourage the use of this book throughout our entire network of churches.”
Scott Thomas, President, Acts 29 Network

“Parents, you know that teaching your children God’s Word—especially with children of varying ages—is never easy. But Marty Machowski has just made it easier. Long Story Short guides your family through Old Testament stories, each one highlighting the love and faithfulness of God and the hope of a Savior to come. To use this guide is to have an experienced father and pastor assisting you every night. These moments together, informed by Marty’s book, will help your children understand and be amazed by the grace of God as revealed in the Old Testament.”
C.J. Mahaney, President, Sovereign Grace Ministries

“Marty Machowski has written the family devotional that many busy dads need—a user-friendly family worship guide. Each day provides Bible readings, food for thought, and talking points to use with the kids.This stuff is simple without being shallow. It is doctrinally sound, Christ-centered, and full of gospel grace and hope.What more could you want? Don’t wait! Start using this book today!”
—Tedd Tripp, pastor; author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart

“Again and again, and much to our disappointment, Luella and I would look for a solid, Scripture-centered, gospel-driven devotional to use with our children.This type of family worship resource was simply not available then. So, it is with much enthusiasm that I recommend Long Story Short. Through this tool your children will not only come to know the narrative of redemption, told in the pages of the Bible, but they will encounter the chief actor in that narrative, the Lord Jesus Christ. Again and again they will be confronted with their desperate need for his grace. What more could you want from a family devotional?”
—Paul David Tripp, President, Paul Tripp Ministries
