
This quote is worth reading slowly and carefully:

This volume attempts to draw a circle (the street map) by closely attending to the broad and sweeping landscape of biblical theology (the topographical map).

The goal is doctrine that can be not only understood, clarified, and articulated but also preached, experienced, and lived as “community theater” in the world today.

So let us attend together to the greatest drama ever staged—to a script whose performance draws us in, not as the the original characters themselves (as the masters of modernity would have it)—yet also no longer as mere spectators (like unscripted players)—but as a growing cast of pilgrims making their way together behind their royal Redeemer in a procession to the City of God.

—Michael Horton, Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims On the Way (Zondervan, 2011), p. 32.
