
Bryan Lorrits has a helpful post here, tracing how the Lord has been changing him as he moved pastorates from a predominately black church to a predominately white church and now to a multi-ethnic church.

Here is one of the lessons learned:

I have become entrenched in my conviction that culture is not to be ignored but subjugated to the master culture of the kingdom of God. My blackness is not to be dismissed, but submitted and subjugated to the redeeming power of the cross, and in humble participation to this new chosen race and royal priesthood called the church of Jesus Christ. This becomes a dance where 1) Christ is preeminent in my life, 2) I constantly go to war with the sinful expressions of and affections for my ethnicity, and 3) yet I allow redemptive expressions of my culture to be woven into the beautiful tapestry of the body of Christ which is both unified and uniquely diverse.

You can read the whole thing here.

See also this interview with him about pastoring a multi-ethnic congregation.

HT: David Francis
