
Crossway has now posted Tim Keller’s foreword to John Piper’s new book Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian.

I found this to be an especially insightful point by Keller on one of the ways that both “liberals” and “conservatives” get it wrong on sin and racism:

Many have made racism and prejudice virtually the only thing they will still call a “sin,” and they often lay the guilt for the sin of racism at the doorstep of those who are social conservatives.

Because of that, many who identify themselves as conservatives simply don’t want to hear about racism anymore. They give lip service to it being a sin, but they associate any sustained denunciation of racism with the liberal or secular systems of thought.

John’s book, which you have in your hands, is a strong antidote to this misconception. His motivation is simply as a preacher of the Word to bring to light what God says in it regarding race and racism.

You can read the entire foreword here.

You can also read here (PDF) or below Piper’s table of contents, his note to reader (on defining race and racism), his introduction (on what it was like in the 60s for those who weren’t there), and the endorsements:
