
Sight or blindness?

“The prophecies, the very miracles and proofs of our religion, are not of such a nature that they can be said to be absolutely convincing.  But they are also of such a kind that it cannot be said that it is unreasonable to believe them.  Thus there is both evidence and obscurity to enlighten some and confuse others.”

Pascal, Pensées, 8.564.

The Bible is closed to those who are blind, and there are none so blind as those confident in their own understanding.  The Bible is open to those are are open, and there are none so open as those desperate in their need.

To the former, the Bible will be constantly offering up further evidences against itself, and they gloat over it.  To the latter, the Bible will be constantly offering up further evidences against themselves, but they don’t mind, because they see their Savior too.

In both cases, how people experience the Bible reveals the truth about themselves.  But no one defeats the Bible.
