
Ray Ortlund

Christ is Deeper Still

Ray Ortlund


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Let’s ponder this Schaeffer quote about once a week

“The central problem of our age is not liberalism or modernism, nor the old Roman Catholicism or the new Roman Catholicism, nor the threat of communism, nor even the threat of rationalism and the monolithic consensus which surrounds us [nor, I would add today, postmodernism or materialistic consumerism or visceral sensualism or whatever]. All these are dangerous but not the...

Your life is prophetic

In explaining what makes a great story, C. S. Lewis notes one category: “Another very large class of stories turns on fulfilled prophecies — the story of Oedipus, or The Man Who Would Be King, or The Hobbit. In most of them the very steps taken to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy actually bring it about. . . ....

Revival changes how we think

“In all our efforts to cure the disorders of the mind, or what is the same thing, to produce or promote a revival of religion, we are to depend chiefly on the means which God himself has appointed.” W. B. Sprague, Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Edinburgh, 1978), page 117. Italics added. I will not take time to qualify Sprague’s...

Everything just so

The Countess of Huntingdon recalled the funeral service of Rev. Howell Harris in 1773: “On the day Mr. Harris was interred we had some special seasons of Divine influence both upon converted and unconverted. It was a day never to be forgotten, but I think ought to be remembered with holy wonder and gratitude by all who were present. ....

The peace of Christ

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” (Col. 3:15) The tsunami of sin flooding the world today touches us all. We add to it. We suffer from it. It is flooding our churches. If somehow we could all get together and gently swap stories, my hunch is...

Psalm 1, a reverse translation

Blighted is the man who doesn’t stick his neck out, doesn’t think for himself, doesn’t revere anything. But he laughs on cue while watching TV day and night. He is like everybody else. In all that he does, he gets by. The believers are not so, they don’t move with the times. Therefore, the godly will not stand in the...

Our courage is prophetic

“. . . and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God.”  Philippians 1:28 When opponents do their worst, and we’re still standing for Christ, that is “a clear sign,” a prophetic warning, that God is with us. For example, when the Empress...


Videos With Ray

What Happens After We Die?

Ray Ortlund: ‘The biblical understanding is, right now, this existence is a living death, and we are on our way to the life which is truly life, including bodily resurrection.’