
A Prayer About God’s Delight and My Hope

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:10-11

     Dear heavenly Father, once again, I come before you as a repeat offender… a man suffering from doxological dementia… one of your sons who gives you so much opportunity to demonstrate the wonder of your “unlimited patience” (1 Tim 1:16). It’s like I’m a perpetual candidate for summer school in the gospel.

     Why is it that every time I feel a little disconnected from you… every time I get appropriately disappointed with me… every time I experience the accusations of the enemy… every time I see other believers more zealous, missionaries more passionate and young converts more committed than me… why is it that my first default mode is to lace up my running shoes and get busy for you—fearfully and fretfully, running to do something that will assuage my guilty conscience and calm my disquieted heart?

     Yet as I meditate on your Word this morning, I realize afresh that you’re not a God who delights in my “legs” and what I can do for you. You’re my Father who finds great pleasure as I hope in what you’ve done for me in Jesus. Indeed, where do I find your unfailing… unwavering… unending love? Only in the gospel of your grace. This is so counterintuitive… so contrary to the way I’m wired and the way the world works… literally the way the world works.

     Astonishing… revolutionary… transforming… I fear you the most when I hope most fully in your unfailing love for me in Jesus. Should I forget where I parked my car, the address of my home, or even my own name, may I never forget this gospel. Such good news, alone, compels me into the obedience of faith and love, and away from the trivial pursuit of refreshed pride. So very Amen, I pray, in Jesus’ most glorious and grace-full name.
