
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. Isa. 62:5

Most holy and loving Jesus, we realize we’re not the primary focus, point or end of anything. We’re thrilled history is irrepressibly heading toward the glorious Day when your redeemed people and the restored creation will finally give you honor, praise, and glory you deserve. All things are being summed up in you, made new by you, and prepared for you. That day cannot come too soon.

That being said, it’s shocking to realize how much you love us—how much you actually make of us, Lord Jesus. Knowing you’ve forgiven all our sins is more than enough reason to praise you for eternity. Knowing you’ve covered us with your perfect righteousness is reason to praise you for ten eternities. But to see and believe you’ve made us your cherished Bride is staggering… thrilling… and ever so liberating. We’re not just going to heaven when we die, we’re entering a bridal chamber when you return.

How can this be, Lord Jesus? How can this possibly be? You’ve made us, a most unlikely and unworthy people, your bride, wife and queen for all eternity. This isn’t the story of Cinderella we’re in. There was nothing about us, or in us, that made us attractive to you. We’re the mean stepmother and the two conniving stepsisters—completely ill-deserving of your pursuit and affection. But such is the measure of your mercy and grandeur of your grace. You loved us in your death and now you serve us by your life.

One Day we’ll be radiant with your beauty and filled with your joy, Lord Jesus, for we’ll see you as you are and we will be made like you. Hasten that most longed for moment. But on that Day, our wedding day, your rejoicing won’t be any greater or your singing any louder than it is in this day. All of this is true because the gospel is true. We believe this, free us from our unbelief. So very Amen we pray, in your matchless name and endless affection.
