
A Prayer Celebrating Jesus’ Incomparable Love for Us

As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you. Isa. 62:5

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out: “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.” Rev. 19:6-7

Dear Lord Jesus, today, like every day, I need the gospel; and I need the power of the gospel even to lay hold of the gospel. For sometimes the Good News seems just too good to be true—too many riches promised to too great of sinners, like me. So I pray for grasping power today, power to grasp the multidimensional love that is ours in you—the only love that is better than life, the only love that is enough, the only love that will never let go of us.

Lord Jesus, you are the bridegroom Isaiah was writing about—the Bridegroom who rejoices over your bride. You’re not just committed to us; you’re not just faithful to us; you’re not just a great provider. You greatly delight in us, and actually enjoy us. You’re glad to be married to us. You have no doubts or regrets. You haven’t discovered something recently that makes you wonder what you were thinking when you chose us. You’re not bored with us. You were never just infatuated with us. You don’t look longingly at some other spouse and think, “If only . . .”

If your great affection for us wasn’t written down so clearly in your Word, I’d never believe it was true or even possible. Continue to free me from my unbelief and under-belief.

As I meditate on John’s startling vision of our wedding Day, I totally understand the thunderous sounds of heaven extolling the wonder of it all. Where can a greater reason for unfettered rejoicing be found? What other hope could possibly generate such unabated gladness? Come, Holy Spirit, come and stun my heart afresh with this good and true news! Renew, refresh, restore to me and my friends the joy of this glorious salvation!

Lord Jesus, I’m ready for that Day for only one reason: you died to make us yours. We wear the wedding garments of your grace—your perfect righteousness freely given to us because of your costly sacrifice for us. That is our only hope and our only boast. May your marriage to us and great love for us profoundly alter and affect every other relationship in which you’ve placed us—every one of them. So very Amen I pray, in your tender and triumphant name.


