
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! AmenRev. 1:5-6

Dear Lord Jesus, these words from John, early in the Book of Revelation, have the feel of a toast to them. It’s as though he just finished a great banquet, rose to his feet with a glass hoisted to honor you, and the proclaimed, ”To him who loves us . . .” Such a notion is not that really farfetched, given where this glorious book and story end..

Indeed, there’s no date on the calendar of my heart more anticipated, and longed for, than the wedding feast of the Lamb—the banquet of all banquets; the feast from which all feasts derive their meaning; the mercy meal by which we’ll celebrate the consummation of your marriage to us, and the inauguration of our life in the new heaven and new earth. Even so, hasten that Day, O great bridegroom; hasten that Day.

Until then, please help me grasp the implications of that one enormous little phrase, “To him who loves us. ” Though every page of the Scripture either shadows, suggests, or shouts it, to my knowledge this is the only verse in the whole Bible that actually says that you love us, Lord Jesus.

How fitting that this kiss of grace would be found in the opening words to the concluding book of your whole revelation. What a glorious summation of your work on our behalf, and what a magnificent affirmation of the central theme in the history of redemption: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Keep me from taking your love for granted. Humble me over the cost of your love—the cross. Rescue me when other loves seem more appealing or satisfying. Open my heart to the immeasurable dimensions of your love. Focus and free my heart for living out the radical implications of your love.

You have freed us from the guilt, shame and power of our sins—ALL of them, by the price of your life. You have recused from an impotent fiefdom of self and have placed us in your transforming kingdom of grace, to serve as a priestly people—worshiping and serving, you and the Father forever. What peace, privilege and joy is ours!

Indeed, Lord Jesus, to you be the glory and power forever and ever! Your bride awaits your return. So very Amen we pray, in your matchless and loving name.
