
A Prayer for Using Our Words to Help, not Harm

     Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Eph. 4:29-30

     Glorious Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I’m so grateful for the incalculable riches of grace you’ve lavished on us in the gospel. Father, for planning such a magnificent salvation; Lord Jesus, for accomplishing all things necessary to redeem us completely; and Holy Spirit, for faithfully applying the finished work of Jesus to us, I worship and adore you. I wish I had adequate words to express my gratitude, but my words fail me.

     That being said, I don’t want my words to fail you, gracious God, as I live in a world of relationships. You spoke the word of grace, which gave life to my dead spirit—giving me both the will and the wherewithal to believe the gospel. Forgive me when I speak words, or even think words, which have the opposite effect on others—bringing discouragement, unnecessary hurt, even shame.

     Holy Spirit, you faithfully preach the gospel to my heart—incessantly telling me that I’m a beloved child of God. Continue to so fill my heart with the beauty of Jesus that, like Balaam’s donkey, I cannot help but offer blessings to others. Train my heart and tongue in gospel-speak. Make me fluent in the vocabulary of heaven. Convict me quickly when my words are poorly chosen, intentionally hurtful, or there are simply too many of them.

     You’ve sealed me for the day of redemption. I don’t want to sadden or grieve you by a foolish and hurtful misuse of words. I’m called to build up, not tear down. You study my needs and speak only helpful words to my heart. Educate me in the needs of my family and friends that I might likewise speak only words of encouragement and hope—even when that requires saying the hard things.

     Lord Jesus, I praise you for taking the Father’s word of final judgment on the cross, that we might hear him speak the words of complete welcome and acceptance in our hearts. You are, indeed, the most wonderful, merciful Savior. So very Amen I pray in your holy and loving name.
