
      Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matt. 11:28-30

     Dear Lord Jesus, in response to your gracious invitation, I’m lacing on my running shoes this morning to come to you as fast as I can. Your gentle, lowly heart is simply irresistible to me. Your easy yoke and light burden beckon me, and I will gladly shoulder up. Your promise of soul rest is like a kiss from heaven. Thank you for being so welcoming, understanding, and kind.

     The heaviness I feel is clearly connected to old wounds with lingering pain. Sometimes current events become a magnifying glass, or a megaphone, by which you reveal to us the “unfinished business” in our souls. Like a broken bone that wasn’t set properly, broken hearts that weren’t healed the first time are vulnerable, and are in need of your healing grace.

     Jesus, I need you. Flood my heart with your presence. Confirm the promise that we can—that I can do all things through you, as you give us strength. Give me the sufficient grace you have pledged. By the Spirit, I will resist the accusing, condemning, and lying whisperings of the dark one.

     As the day unfolds, help me separate the issues at hand. By faith, I offload my burdens onto you. I cannot afford to lug around the tonnage of old drama and new disappointments. If I do that, I will get defensive and will be on the offensive. As usual, this isn’t about me, but about your glory.

     Jesus, help me walk today as a man of faith, hope, and love. Give me the wisdom and power you promise. Bring much glory to yourself. Write stories of repentance and restoration by the grace and truth of the gospel. So very Amen I pray, in your most worthy and gracious name.
