
A Prayer for Acknowledging Weaknesses and Turning to Jesus

      The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.  1 Cor. 10:13

     Dear Lord Jesus, this verse has been underlined in my Bible, pasted on my refrigerator, and calligraphied by a dear friend. But today I need to believe this promise and see your faithfulness at work. I’m desperate for the strength you alone can give, Jesus. There are powerful temptations nibbling away at my heart. You’ve promised that I will never be in any circumstance that will not also find you providing a way forward. Show me the way, Lord.

     To start with, I’m weary of certain people having more functional power over my heart than you, Lord Jesus. That’s my issue, not theirs. Their affirmation can “make me,” and their disapproval, critical words, and coolness can wreck a perfectly good day or week. Help me break that relational pattern. I cannot love anyone to whom I’ve given such idolatrous influence.

     Next, I have friends who are choosing to live destructively. Marriages, health, and your glory are on the line. I need grace for getting involved where, quite frankly, I’d rather not. It would be much easier just to “pray from afar” than to run after prodigals. You pursued me, and you pursue me still. Be the same persistent lover through me, in these messy, broken stories.

     Lastly, Jesus, I repent of spending more time doing things for you, lately than spending quality, unrushed time with you. I’ve been an irritated and critical Martha, more so than an adoring and peaceful Mary (Luke 10:38-42). I’m sure that malady has been like rocket fuel to the issues I’m bringing before you today.

     Restore to me the joy of my salvation, as you return my heart to its first love for you. Jesus, you alone are worthy of my heart’s affection, adoration, and allegiance. My mouth is wide open like a baby Robin; fill it with fresh grace. So very Amen I pray in your patient and loving name.
