
Big Gospel-Hearts, Thick Gospel-Skin

   The Lord Jesus is “the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (Rom. 8:29-30); A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” (Rev. 7:9)

Heavenly Father, by your plan, calling, and grace, none of us is an only child. Jesus is the firstborn of many brothers and sisters—redeemed from “every nation, tribe, people and language.” It’s a grand diversity we will enjoy forever in the new heaven and new earth—once the good work you began in us is brought to completion (Phil. 1:6).

In union with Christ, not one of us is more justified than the other, more precious in your sight, or more destined to be as loving and lovely as Jesus. Forgive us when our attitudes and actions contradict these grand affirmations. Forgive us when our penchant for “my-tribe-ism” takes precedent over our calling to “have love for all God’s people” (Eph. 1:15), and to “eagerly guard the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Eph. 4:15).

Surely it must grieve your heart that there are over 40,000 different Christian denominations and “non-denominations” in the world right now.

Surely it must grieve the Spirit when even one “tribe” in your every-nation family becomes ingrown, divided, and loves poorly.

Surely it must grieve Jesus, who prays for our unity (not our uniformity)—the unity you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have forever enjoyed (John 17:20-23).

Father, forgive us. Help us conflict redemptively, out-honor one another, listen before launching, and wash each other’s feet quicker than we label each other. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ merciful and unifying name.


