
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Ps. 19:1

Heavenly Father, slow… us… down. Busyness leads to barrenness—barren hearts, barren worship, barren lives, barren relationships…  “I’m too busy” needs to be a lament, not an excuse.

As your sons and daughters, we’re enveloped in a visual kaleidoscope, an auditory megaphone, an aromatic smorgasbord of delights. All around us, creation is declaring (shouting and whispering) your glory and handiwork. Unless we choose to live at the pace of grace, by the rhythms of the Gospel, we miss it.

Standing in the Smith River with friends yesterday, I was re-convinced you hand paint every Brookie, Brown, and Rainbow trout. You are the feather-artist who dresses our fowl friends in splendor. You put the babble into babbling brooks.

You just sent the little rabbit I’m looking at, sitting three feet in front of me—unfazed, unhurried—there he sits. Oh Father, in the craziness, spite, and ugly of the past year, I realize I lost a good bit of wonder, under the pressures of worry.

I am so thankful you intend your peace to rule in our hearts, and grateful you give new mercies each morning, not new marching orders. Indeed, slow us way down, Father, slow us way down. May we hear you speaking louder than ever in the things you have made; but especially so in the One you have sent—your beloved Son, Jesus. So very Amen we pray, in his mighty and merciful name.

