
I recently was listening to the book of Exodus on the Word of Promise Audio Bible, a dramatized word-for-word (NKJV) edition that I would recommend.

The publisher Thomas Nelson kindly gave permission to give away the audio below, from Exodus 14-15.

On the audio rendering: Richard Dreyfuss portrays Moses. He is no Charleton Heston. His voice has something of a nasal quality to it, and his speech is slow and deliberate (cf. Ex. 4:10). There is something more realistic to my ear about his rendering than that of a baritone alpha-male.

On the content: Listening afresh to the Song of Moses, I thought of the title of Jim Hamilton’s new biblical theology: God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment, for the Song sounds this exact theme.

Listen first to chapter 14, as God gets glory and Israel receives salvation through God’s judgment of Egypt. Then listen to chapter 15, as Moses sings his praise to God, recounting his mighty acts and awesome deeds.

[audio:http://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor/files/2010/12/5-11-Wop-02-Exodus-Chapter-014.mp3|titles=5-11 (Wop-02) Exodus Chapter 014]


[audio:http://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor/files/2010/12/5-12-Wop-02-Exodus-Chapter-015.mp3|titles=5-12 (Wop-02) Exodus Chapter 015]

