
From Prison to the Pulpit: A Stunning Story of God’s Grace

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Every Christian has an “impressive” testimony. There aren’t Varsity and JV versions, because there aren’t Varsity and JV sinners. “Dead in our trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1-3) described all of us before God butted in (Eph. 2:4).

But while all testimonies are miraculous, some are unusually gripping and encouraging. Mez McConnell has one of those stories.

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Once an abused, addicted, homeless, Christian-despising criminal, Mez now serves as senior pastor of Niddrie Community Church in Edinburgh, Scotland, and founder of 20 Schemes, a ministry dedicated to building gospel-centered churches for Scotland’s poorest communities (“schemes”). Here’s their vision:

Our long-term desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ through the planting of gospel-preaching churches, ultimately led by a future generation of indigenous church leaders. . . . We believe building healthy, gospel-preaching churches in Scotland’s poorest communities will bring true, sustainable, and long-term renewal to Scotland’s schemes.

We partnered with 20Schemes to record a brief video of Mez’s testimony. Do your soul a favor and watch. Soli Deo gloria.

Mez recounted his story in a three-minute presentation at Together for the Gospel 2012 and in an hour-long interview at 9Marks. For a more detailed account of Mez’s testimony, pick up a copy of his book, Is There Anybody Out There?: A Journey from Despair to Hope (Christian Focus, 2011).
