I used to work in the oil business. It’s a unique industry, and it offers plenty of life lessons. One lesson I’ll never forget relates to the hazards associated with the detection of deadly gases. An oil well, say, down in South Texas or South Louisiana, can give off a deadly poisonous gas called hydrogen sulfide. Whenever that distinctly discerned poisonous gas comes out of the wellbore, you have seconds to react. Fail to do so, and you will become very sick, possibly pass out, and then . . . well, this is the instruction I was given:
“When you smell rotten-eggs at the well site, boys, you are smelling a poisonous, corrosive, flammable gas that is hydrogen sulfide. This hydrogen sulfide will kill you in no time flat. (A bit of an overstatement, but deck-hand oilfield supervisors are like army drill sergeants; you don’t argue with them over over nuance.) If reach a point where you don’t smell hydrogen sulfide and its noxious rotten-egg aroma, it’s already too late. So, listen and live: You smell it. You get out of there. ‘Cuz if you stop smelling it, we will have to go in and haul your ugly carcass out of there feet-first. And that will just mess up my day. Don’t be that guy!”
That got my attention. Big-time.
Foul Odor of Sin
Now, many years later, here is the lesson I learned from those dangerous days: sin is like the rotten-egg smell of hydrogen sulfide. When you smell it, you have to get out—and I mean now. If you linger after you’ve detected the odor of the poisonous gas of sin, you’ll quickly get to the point where you don’t smell it. That’s a point of no return. If sin becomes tolerable, judgment becomes inevitable.
And by the time you stop sensing that rotten-egg smell, it will be too late. You will be trapped by sin. You’ll be snared by the devil. Somebody just may have to go into the scene of the incident and pull you out feet-first.
I’ve seen the carnage of those who ignored the rotten-egg smell of sin—sometimes camouflaged by the smell of sweet perfume or the fateful flattery of an ego in need.
A middle-aged man, “misunderstood” by his wife, ignores the warnings of heightened sensations for a pretty woman who has made herself available and understanding.
An accountant smells the rotten-eggs of rerouting a few extra dollars into a private account. But the odor dissipates after the second or third time he fudges the numbers. Their consciences are seared. They are lulled into a false feeling of safety. By the time the pastor is called in, casualties lie at the scene of the sin like rusting old machine parts at an abandoned well site.
Sweet Scent of Grace
Now, here’s the good news— and this is why I am so thankful to be a minister of the gospel — Jesus Christ can and will walk right into the poisonous environment and do what no human ever could: He can get you out alive. Even if you are lulled in to a death-sleep by a lethal dose of sin, Jesus saves.
Turn to God with every fiber of your being, with every area of your life. Leave no corner of your soul unguarded. Could it be that there is a poisonous gas, rotten-egg smell somewhere in your soul? If you detect it—if you recognize a conscience that has been pricked, a “Spidey sense,” that has been aroused to danger—quickly call out to Christ. He hears the cries of the sin-sickened soul and answers with salvation.
How did Jesus’s brother put it?
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
And as our Lord Jesus cast the demons out of the Gadarene, so, too, our blessed Savior will cap off the uncontrolled and raging flames of a life “blow-out” through the power of his righteous life, his sacrifice on the cross, his resurrection, ascension, coronation, and in the antidote of his royal presence.
God Wastes Nothing
Sometimes, I think back on the several occupations I had before God called me to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, and I ask, “Lord, what good came from this?” The experiences of one’s life, even the bad experiences, are never wasted if the lessons of God’s Word are harnessed. When, by the power of the Spirit, we bring our experiences to the dock with theological reflection and critical thinking, the result can be a decisive turn-around.
“So, Lord, what can I do with the lessons from that time before I followed You?” A cross-shaped conscience responds:
“Take it, reflect upon it, distill the gospel from it, capture and bottle the essence of the lesson. Carefully apply the essence of truth, pastorally, on the festering wounds of my people that they may be comforted and that they may be healed.”
This is my prayer for those who read this article.
I pray that your foray with me into the oilfields—water moccasins, mean old derrick hands, mosquitoes, stinking polecats, and black swamp-water notwithstanding—will save you from the heartache of sin or resuscitate you from the hydrogen sulfide of a sewage-spewing underworld that Christ has defeated.
Listen and live.
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We need one another. Yet we don’t always know how to develop deep relationships to help us grow in the Christian life. Younger believers benefit from the guidance and wisdom of more mature saints as their faith deepens. But too often, potential mentors lack clarity and training on how to engage in discipling those they can influence.
Whether you’re longing to find a spiritual mentor or hoping to serve as a guide for someone else, we have a FREE resource to encourage and equip you. In Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, Melissa Kruger, TGC’s vice president of discipleship programming, offers encouraging lessons to guide conversations that promote spiritual growth in both the mentee and mentor.