In 1 Samuel 3, when Eli was getting the bad news from Samuel that his sons and household would be destroyed, Eli said these faith-filled words, “It is the Lord. Let him do what seems good to him” (3:18). Here are few reflections upon the significance of this statement:
- Eli is mainly concerned for God’s glory. The sons of Eli were blaspheming and making a mockery of the name of the Lord. Eli’s affirmation of God’s judgment displays his concern for the glory of the name of the Lord over the preservation of his own name.
- Eli recognizes God’s sovereign goodness. ”Let him do what seems good to him.” Eli trusted that whatever God did was good, though he may not be able to see the goodness in it.
- Eli submitted to the authority of the Lord. The ground for trusting in the goodness of the Lord’s sovereignty is the Lord himself. Notice Eli’s words, “It is the Lord. Let him what seems good to him.” The authority of the Lord resides in the fact that he is our Creator and we are his creation. He has omniscient-Creator knowledge, while we have sinful-creature knowledge.
I realize my heart fails so many times to respond to difficult situations like Eli does in 1 Samuel 3.
- Often, I am more concerned with the glory of my name than the Lord’s. I crave what I feel is my due. I act and speak in ways that places me at the center of attention, rather than the Lord.
- Frequently, if something does not seem good to me, I demand an explanation. Oftentimes, I do not trust the sovereign goodness of the Lord.
- All too often, I trust in my own wisdom and knowledge. In blind foolishness, I do not fear the Lord and nor do I trust in his wisdom. I forget that I am merely a creature, limited in knowledge and blinded by sinfulness.
May we respond to difficult situations with trust in God’s sovereign goodness, submission to his authority, and concern for his glory.