Those of us who have the privilege of watching the work of The Gospel Coalition unfold from day to day and from month to month are constantly humbled by God’s goodness.
It’s not just that numbers keep growing—of conference participants, of books, of readers on our website and social media, of regional chapters, of the growth of sister organizations in several countries—but that there is a wonderful melding together of a serious devotion to the gospel and of a joyful “Give me this mountain!” Calebite passion.
In many ways the surrounding culture grows darker. When we recall how, both in biblical times and in more recent history, God has brought judgment on nations and empires that abandoned any thought of God and any hunger for righteousness, in favor of endless hedonism and self-promotion, we tremble.
As Isaiah felt compromised in his day, as a man of unclean lips among a people of unclean lips (Isa. 6), so we cannot help but face our own sins and failures, living in a culture of sins and failures. We peer into the future, knowing that we deserve judgment, yet we beseech God to show us mercy. To whom else shall we go? Jesus has the words of eternal life.
Against the backdrop of this slide, with nominal Christians falling away and biblical illiteracy soaring in the land, we cannot help but rejoice that God is raising up a new generation hungry to know and believe and do the truth. It is an incalculable privilege to play a small part in this Reformed gospel resurgence.
So thank you, more than we can say, for your support. And if you are convinced that TGC has yet greater work to undertake, we humbly beg you to continue with your intercessory prayers on our behalf, and in your generous financial help without which very little of this work would be possible.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength (Neh. 8:10).
Theological Famine Relief: Providing theological famine relief for the global church
- So far in 2015 more than $225,000 has been given to print more than 100,000 free copies of 21 books in 11 different languages (including 50,000 copies of this resource for Africa that responds to the prosperity gospel).
- This year alone more than 120,000 resources have been distributed to equip 75,000 church leaders in 15 languages in 83 countries (including 55,000 copies of the ESV Global Study Bible).
Website: Influencing a generation with top-notch, free material
- The website is on track to surpass 20 million unique visitors in one year for the first time, making it one of the largest Christian websites in the world.
- We now have full editorial teams for Australia, the French language, and the Spanish language (the Spanish site having more than 2 million unique visitors).
- The top international cities include Sydney, London, Singapore, Bogota, and Mexico City.
- Under Our Skin: A Conversation About Race was a webcast event on November 24, the one-year anniversary of the Ferguson decision and riots. NFL player Benjamin Watson talked with TGC Council member Darrin Patrick about his new book and how Jesus Christ breaks down the dividing wall of hostility between races.
- Since 2009, 35 million people have visited the TGC website 92 million times and have viewed more than 168 million pages. The site currently contains more than 80,000 audio, video, and text resources.
- Melissa Kruger joined our roster of bloggers with Wit’s End.
Women’s Initiatives: Ministry to women, not just about women
- A 10-city Word-Filled Women’s Ministry training tour launches next year at churches in Indonesia, Austin, Memphis, Augusta, Minneapolis, and elsewhere.
- The 2016 National Women’s Conference (TGCW16), June 16 to 18 in Indianapolis, is on track to break our previous attendance records.
Events: Gathering God’s people for expository preaching, corporate worship, and prayer
- National: About 6,000 attended the 2015 National Conference in Orlando. Planning is well underway for our 2017 National Conference, April 3 to 5, in Indianapolis: “No Other Gospel: Reformation 500 and Beyond.”
- Regional: 8 of our 22 regional chapters hosted events totaling more than 10,000 attendees, including Phoenix, Ontario, Orange County, Hawaii, and New England.
- International: Partnered in 11 international events, located in such places as Switzerland, France, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and Santo Domingo.
Leadership Council: The leadership team that guides our ministry efforts
- This year we added Russell Moore and Julius Kim to the Council.
- In April we met for fellowship, prayer, and planning. The Council commissioned projects for the upcoming year related to sexuality, expository preaching, and training women.
- The Council will meet for three days in Chicago in May 2016.
Publications: Print and eBook resources including Bible studies, study guides, and curriculum
- Word-Filled Women’s Ministry, edited by Kathleen B. Nielson and Gloria Furman
- Blind Spots, by Collin Hansen
- God’s Love Compels Us, edited by D. A. Carson and Kathleen B. Nielson
- His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, edited by D. A. Carson and Kathleen B. Nielson
- What Jesus Demands from the World (study guide and DVD), by John Piper and Brian Tabb
- Gospel Shaped Outreach (study guide and DVD), by Erik Raymond
- Gospel Shaped Worship (study guide and DVD), by Jared Wilson
- Gospel Shaped Living (study guide and DVD), by Vermon Pierre
- Revisiting ‘Faithful Presence’: James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World Five Years Later, edited by Collin Hansen. TGC’s first-ever eBook, this volume engages with the work of the noted University of Virginia sociologist and includes essays from Albert Mohler, Greg Forster, K. A. Ellis, and several others.
Forthcoming in 2016
- Seasons of Waiting: Walking by Faith When Dreams Are Delayed, by Betsy Childs Howard
- God’s Word, Our Story: Learning from the Book of Nehemiah, edited by D. A. Carson and Kathleen B. Nielson
- Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practical Guide, edited by Cameron Cole and Jon Nielson
- Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer—In Our Homes, Communities, and Churches, by Megan Hill
- Gospel Shaped Work, by Tom Nelson
- 1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ (study guide and DVD), by Jen Wilkin
- Missional Motherhood: The Everyday Ministry of Motherhood in the Grand Plan of God (study guide and DVD), by Gloria Furman
- Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age, by Dr. Robert Cutillo
Reformation in Latin America: Supporting the spread of the doctrines of grace
- Coalición is the name of the TGC equivalent for the Spanish language. This is our attempt to support gospel-centered renewal in the Spanish-speaking world.
- More than 700 attended the Coalición pre-conference in April 2015. And Coalición is hosting its second national event on April 11, 2016, as a pre-conference to Together for the Gospel in Louisville, Kentucky. “Awake: A Call to Latin American Pastors and Church Leaders” will include speakers such as John MacArthur, Miguel Núñez, Juan Sanchez, and Sugel Michelén.
- The editorial team for Coalición por el Evangelio continues to grow, and the website has received more than 2 million visitors this year. We now have editors in Mexico, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.
- In April we are launching a line of 25 Spanish books; these are a mix of new and translated titles addressing some of the greatest needs in Latin America.
- The Spanish-speaking leadership hosted the first gathering in October in Dominican Republic with leaders from Puerto Rico, Colombia, Guatemala, Argentina, and Mexico.
Regional Chapters: Smaller regional gatherings with same TGC mission but on a local level
- We grew to 22 chapters with the addition of chapters in Houston, Inland Northwest, Omaha, Orlando, and Northern Virginia.
- Services: We continue to lead a team of about 80 translators who work in 40 languages. We manage complex and robust translation work for several ministries. This includes anything from live translation to seminary-level theological textbooks.
- Global Resource Library: We translate sermons and articles of trusted authors into several languages, especially Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, and Arabic. These digital resources have been accessed more than 50,000 times in 2014. We added thousands of resources in 2015, especially in our all-Spanish library.
Current Projects
- TGC Courses: We are developing a free education platform that will include courses on everything from traditional seminary subjects to sexual ethics and apologetics.
- New City Catechism 2.0: We are expanding the popular catechism for parents and kids to include: (1) an adult version with expanded teaching; (2) a kids version for dinnertime and bedtime devotions; (3) an expanded line of mobile apps with new videos and graphics; and (4) an all-new companion curriculum for Sunday school, family, and homeschool settings.
- Expository Preaching Initiative: We are working with a team of experienced preachers to produce a video curriculum aimed at helping to produce a new generation of Bible expositors.
- Honors: TGC was awarded the Billy Graham Award for Excellence in Christian Communications from the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). According to the NRB, this award is “presented to a Christian organization that effectively and creatively uses multiple electronic media technologies in fulfillment of its mission, while maintaining fidelity to the message of love, redemption, and hope found in the Holy Scriptures.”
- Australia: TGC Australia launched in July 2015 at Queensland Theological Seminary in Brisbane with its own independent leadership Council, editorial team, and plans for future publications and a national conference.
- Évangile 21: The French-speaking equivalent of TGC continues to grow their website and finalize plans for their 2016 conference in France, May 25 to 28, with Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, John Piper, and more.
- Two New Podcasts: (1) “How to Teach the Bible,” with Nancy Guthrie interviewing pastors and scholars for the benefit of teachers on all levels; and (2) “Word of the Week,” an exceptional exposition of Scripture by a trusted pastor. These are in addition to The Gospel Coalition Podcast, one of the most popular podcasts according to iTunes in the religion and spirituality category.
- Revamped Media Channels: We improved and expanded on interviews and roundtable discussions on events affecting today’s church. Along with conference messages, many of these videos are now being broadcast on cable TV with NRB Network.
- Staff: We added several key people to our team, bringing the total to 12 full-time and 8 part-time.
Before December 31, we are asking the Lord to provide $150,000 in new Friends of TGC support, as well as $100,000 toward our Council-led Expository Preaching Project (with a $50K match).
Would you consider helping? Learn how you can partner with us through your giving here.
Involved in Women’s Ministry? Add This to Your Discipleship Tool Kit.
We need one another. Yet we don’t always know how to develop deep relationships to help us grow in the Christian life. Younger believers benefit from the guidance and wisdom of more mature saints as their faith deepens. But too often, potential mentors lack clarity and training on how to engage in discipling those they can influence.
Whether you’re longing to find a spiritual mentor or hoping to serve as a guide for someone else, we have a FREE resource to encourage and equip you. In Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, Melissa Kruger, TGC’s vice president of discipleship programming, offers encouraging lessons to guide conversations that promote spiritual growth in both the mentee and mentor.