As Christians, we go by the name of Christ. He is our identity. We are ultimately defined not by our talents and background, as important as these may be, but by the fact that we are in Christ by faith. The person and work of our Savior establishes the entire scope of our salvation. He is the strong tower in which we receive shelter from the wrath of God, and he will restore all things under the reign of our Creator.
From the beginning of the Christian church, Christians have confessed an inseparable relationship between who Christ is and what Christ does. Who he is informs our understanding of his work, and what he does sheds light upon our understanding of his person. Consequently, any assault on the church’s understanding of the person or work of Christ affects the church’s understanding of Christ’s entire identity. Every controversy related to our salvation and what it means to be in Christ brings us face-to-face with our understanding of this identity, for our understanding of his person and work will determine the whole scope of our theology and practice. This theology deeply affects our lives, for it touches on our very hope of salvation.
Thus, it is essential that we grasp what Scripture says about the person and work of Christ. If we understand Christ’s identity, the rest of our theology should fall into place. That’s why Ligonier Ministries recently released The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology. This is a statement offered to help people know who Christ is—his person and work—that we might understand the glory of the gospel and who we are in him.
I believe this statement is one of the most crucial resources Ligonier Ministries has ever produced. It was created through significant planning, collaboration, and communication with numerous scholars and pastors. Building on the great confessions of faith, we offer the Ligonier Statement on Christology to the church out of a desire to help people regain clarity regarding the person and work of Christ. We wanted to provide a statement that can assist the church in applying the classic truths of orthodox biblical Christianity to the challenges of our day.
Confusion abounds regarding the doctrine of Christ both in the West and around the world. As the church continues to grow, it is imperative that Christians are taught the truths of Scripture as summarized in such documents as the Nicene Creed, the Definition of Chalcedon, and the confessions of the Reformation. Such confessions provide guidelines to help the church develop a more biblical and consistent theology, and we believe The Ligonier Statement on Christology is a tool that can be used to renew the church’s understanding of its historic Christological position. We need to know our identity. It can also be used as a rallying point around which Christians from different churches can come together for evangelism and discipleship. Our goal is not to replace any historic confessions but to draw together their Christological insights in a helpful, summary form so that Christians can know what the church has historically taught. That teaching has continuing relevance in our own era as we seek to follow the Jesus of Scripture.
Our goal is to distribute this statement worldwide. In fact, it has already been translated into numerous languages, including Arabic. We invite you to read the statement yourself and share it with your church leaders and with others. You can learn more at
The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christology from Ligonier Ministries on Vimeo.
Involved in Women’s Ministry? Add This to Your Discipleship Tool Kit.
We need one another. Yet we don’t always know how to develop deep relationships to help us grow in the Christian life. Younger believers benefit from the guidance and wisdom of more mature saints as their faith deepens. But too often, potential mentors lack clarity and training on how to engage in discipling those they can influence.
Whether you’re longing to find a spiritual mentor or hoping to serve as a guide for someone else, we have a FREE resource to encourage and equip you. In Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, Melissa Kruger, TGC’s vice president of discipleship programming, offers encouraging lessons to guide conversations that promote spiritual growth in both the mentee and mentor.