I’ve heard many people detail the ways a study on the attributes of God has affected their spiritual walk. When we see God as he presents himself in the Word, we are truly humbled as God is exalted. This has a tremendous impact.
I recall a similar personal experience. Years ago, I began a home Bible study on the attributes of God. I think it was the first time I’ve ever taught on the subject. As I prepared, a funny thing kept happening to me. Each week I would search for the supreme representation or demonstration of the divine attribute. And, each week, I would find myself wrapping my hands around what appeared to be the power chord illuminating all of the divine perfections.
As I studied God’s holiness I found the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the supreme demonstration of the eternal perfection of God. The same thing happened as I studied God’s righteousness, and his love, mercy, wisdom, sovereignty and so forth. This birthed a wonderful study that focused specifically on the attributes of God in light of the cross. God has used this study to change my life and compel worship and awe. The gist of it is this: the cross of Christ is the supreme demonstration of the divine attributes.
Consider God’s holiness. Where do we find God distinguished as holy more than through the transcendent requirements and achievement of perfection? Surely the priests in Leviticus knew much of God’s holiness, but they merely looked in a glass dimly, but when we look at the cross we are seeing the holiness of God in HD. We see holiness incarnate nailed to a wooden tree in order to meet the demands of a holy law so he might make unholy people holy and blameless. Indeed, this is magnificent!
Consider also God’s love. You may say you see God loving in the creation or through the giving of life, and you are right. However, this pales in comparison to the Son of God, the very object of the Father’s affections, the supreme delight, and joy of God, Jesus Christ himself, offered up to redeem rebels. Can you find God’s love more vividly, more beautifully, more heavenly than this?
Consider also God’s righteousness. Oh, the inflexible divine attribute that is has been plaguing consciences throughout history. God’s righteousness is not seen supremely in the threatenings of the law or the thunders of Sinai, but rather upon the hill of Calvary. Here we see God’s infinite and unflinching righteousness relentlessly pursuing its vindication in the unleashing of all that is right, good, and just upon the substitute for all that is wrong, bad, and filthy. Yes, here in the shadow of the cross we see righteousness supremely demonstrated and vindicated. There is nothing like it.
Stand with me in the shadow of the cross and see God’s attributes perfectly illuminated. Tremble at his holiness in the demands of his sacrifice, be convicted and comforted by the unfathomable love that demanded and accomplished Calvary, feel your knees knock as you behold the gasping Son drink dry the eternal vat of condemnation that was due you as he bears all of the burdens of divine righteousness.
Stand in the shadow of the cross to learn of God, for here the Son of God was set forth to amplify and supremely demonstrate all of the divine perfections.
Stand here and fall in love with this dangerously lovely God and his supremely beautiful Son. Stand here and marvel. Stand here and worship. Stand here and don’t move, you are right where God wants you.