
Sovereign Grace Music

Within the last three years or so I have been introduced to some great friends. These friends are like me in a lot of ways and in so many ways they are different. They are the same in that they love the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel preeminently. They are different in that they have musical ability.

My friends are Sovereign Grace Ministries, led by C.J. Mahaney, have been serving me and my family through their gospel-centered worship of the Savior, so in effort to love my neighbor and share I want to make sure that you are aware of them. Listed below are four of my favorites:

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songs-for-the-cross-centere.jpgSongs for the Cross-Centered Life: This CD is amazing. I remember having studied for a sermon on Romans 3.21-28 and my wife was blasting this CD through the house on a Saturday afternoon. It seemed as though every single song was preaching the greatness of the gospel to me. God used these songs to stir my soul in preparation for preaching. Favorites: The Gospel Song, Before the Cross, I Come by the Blood, The Glory of the Cross.


Worship God Live: This is the compilation CD from Sovereign Grace’s annual worship conference. There are some outstanding songs on this album as well. This past weekend in our Care Group (home small group) in lieu of singing we listened and meditated to some songs from this album. Favorites: Jesus Thank You, You
are the Way, Always Forgiven


Upward: Bob Kauflin and his gang did a great service to the church in rearranging (I think this is the word) many of our old hymns. For a guy like me who did not grow up in a church and for the most part have not been exposed to much in the way of hymns, this work really introduced me to some great music. We sing many of these songs on Sunday mornings here at OBC. Favorites: Hallelujah What A Savior, Before the Throne

valley-of-vision-sgm.jpgValley of Vision: This is the newest CD I have from them (they also did a Christmas album). I really like it. You could sit and read the lyrics and be edified so greatly. They took the ‘inspiration’ from the collection of puritan prayers entitled Valley of Vision, published by Banner of Truth. These are great also. Favorites: Heavenly Father, Beautiful Son, Let Your Kingdom Come, Only Jesus (this song is amazing)

I find myself regularly returning to my Sovereign Grace play list on my iPod and I encourage you all to make them a part of your musical diet. In terms of value, from my view there is nothing like this available to us today to musically stir genuine Christ-centered affections, they are in a class by itself. So take advantage of their service to you who love Jesus and his gospel.

Note: Bob Kauflin, the musical man behind all of this, has a great blog for worship leaders. It may be a good idea to forward a link onto your worship pastor for encouragement.
