Jesus told his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matt. 28:19–20). His words are clear. Jesus commands his followers to make and train disciples. We are to reach people with his gospel and teach them what it means to follow Jesus faithfully.
Jesus command isn’t difficult to understand, but, it remains a challenge for us to follow. This wasn’t just for pastors, missionaries, or church leaders—it was for everyone who follows him. (Note: this command here in Matthew 28 is included in the commands that these original disciples were to teach the new Christians to know and obey). Many Christians hesitate. They wonder: Who am I to disciple someone? What if I don’t know enough?
What is a disciple? A disciple is a learner. So, we are endeavoring to make lifelong learners of Jesus. Mark Dever helpfully defined discipleship as “Helping people to know and follow Jesus.”
Discipleship isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about helping others grow in their faith as you grow in yours. It happens in everyday conversations, relationships, and rhythms of life. It’s not complicated, but it does require intentionality.
If you know Jesus then you can help someone else to do the same.
So where do we start? By looking to Jesus. He spent His earthly ministry investing in a small group of people, teaching them, challenging them, and walking with them. His model wasn’t flashy or rushed—it was relational, consistent, and transformative.
The same is true today. The Kingdom of God advances as believers invest in one another–primarily in the context of their own local church–encouraging faith, strengthening understanding, and sharpening one another in love. Discipleship isn’t a program; it’s a way of life.
Here are 15 practical ways—“the 15 P’s”—to help guide your discipleship efforts.
The 15 P’s of Discipleship
1. Prioritize
Discipleship won’t happen by accident. Make it a central part of your life, not an afterthought. If Jesus commanded it, we should organize our time around it.
2. Pray
Ask God to lead you to the right people and give you wisdom in guiding them. Discipleship is ultimately his work, and we need his help.
3. Prepare
You don’t have to be perfect, but you do need to be growing. Stay in God’s Word, pursue holiness, and be faithful in your own walk. Read, train, grow, and discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.
4. Partner
Discipleship happens best in the context of the church. Join arms with others in your congregation and work together in this mission. The first step in discipleship for many is to joint a church–make a commitment to other Christians for their growth and God’s glory.
5. Participate
You don’t need a formal program to disciple someone. Jump in—read the Bible with someone, pray together, or encourage them in their walk.
6. Personal
Discipleship is relational. Invest in people’s lives, not just their knowledge. Walk with them through struggles and victories.
7. Presence
Be consistent. Growth takes time, and discipleship requires ongoing commitment. Show up, be available, and stick with them–even when it’s hard.
8. Practical
Faith isn’t just about learning; it’s about living. Help others apply Scripture to their daily lives, decisions, and challenges.
9. Point to Jesus
At the heart of discipleship is Christ himself. The primary way we can help people is pointing them to Jesus. Consider your impact on people if you regularly directed their attention and affections to Christ!
10. Prodding
Don’t be afraid to get in one another’s business. Sometimes (often) we have to be willing to love people enough to point out where we are not conforming to God’s Word in our lives. What use is discipleship if it doesn’t help someone to become more like Jesus? We need to lovingly prod people toward God and his Word.
11. Purity
Discipleship is about holiness. Help others pursue purity of heart, mind, and life, striving to reflect Christ in all they do. We are called to be holy as God is holy. We are being helpful when we are helping others to conform to God’s standard. As you pursue holiness, help others to do the same.
12. Pliable
Be flexible. Life changes, schedules shift, and circumstances vary. Adjust as needed but remain committed to the relationship. Don’t abandon others after a few gaps in meeting.
13. Persevere
Growth is often slow, and setbacks happen. Keep investing, even when progress seems small. Trust that God is at work.
14. Patience
God works in his people according to his timeline. Be patient with those you disciple, remembering that transformation is a lifelong process. If you need additional motivation, look in the mirror and remember your own growth pattern.
15. Perspective
Keep the end in mind. If one is a Christian, then God will grow them; they will be sanctified. Every believer is being shaped into the image of Christ, and intentional relationships between Christians is a means to this end.
Now What?
Discipleship isn’t complicated—it’s about being intentional with the people around you. This week, ask yourself: Who can I invest in spiritually? Maybe it’s a new believer, a younger Christian, or even a peer who needs encouragement.
If you know Jesus then you can help someone else to do the same.
Start simple—meet for coffee, read Scripture together, pray for one another. The goal isn’t a new program, but faithfulness. Jesus calls us to help others to know and follow Jesus. Let’s be faithful to that call.