I love what the comedian Jim Gaffigan says concerning the Americanized holiday of Easter: “What does a bunny have to do with Jesus’ death?”
What a demonic distraction and detraction from the most glorious and infinitely wonderful reality that could ever be celebrated. The crucified and risen Savior is being replaced by candy and bunnies.
I enjoyed what our pastor said to introduce his sermon on Sunday morning, “I am not going to try to explain to you how Jesus relates to bunnies. Nor am I going to try to correlate Jesus to eggs…for the Bible does not do this. However, it is my aim to draw attention to and exalt the person and work of Jesus Christ, for this the Bible does do!”
As a sports fan I get upset when the game I want to watch gets interrupted by ‘technical difficulties’ or when the local programming chooses to cover a game other than the premier game in New England.
However, I get far more exercised over the strategic blackout of the glory of Jesus Christ that goes on each and every day in this world.
Is there anything more enjoyable or to be more highly esteemed than the death and resurrection of the Savior?
If we are talking about cost this is premier.
If we are talking about worth, Jesus reigns.
If we are talking about staying power, Jesus wins again.
At this point in my life I am more impressed with Jesus Christ than ever before, and so therefore, by God’s grace, I am more jealous for his glory than ever before.
These satanically inspired bunny trails do nothing but distract from Christ.
I therefore want to force myself to think of Christ, specifically his suffering in the place of sinners.
- I think of Christ in his unimpeded resolve to march to the cross to bear the sins of the world. Even saying, in the face of death: “Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour ‘? But for this purpose I came to this hour. (John 12.27)
- I think of the reality that if I was left to myself and was able to stand in the crowd that fateful day, my voice would not have cried “Hail the King!” but rather, “Crucify Him!”
- I think of Christ, the one who is due all of the glory and honor, bearing all of my shame and dishonor, so that I might be forgiven and enjoy the eternal blessedness and enjoyment of forgiveness.
- I think of Christ hanging naked to be made a spectacle of suffering that I might be clothed with his righteousness.
- I think of Christ’s parched throat and cotton mouth as his tongue stuck to his cheeks, that I might enjoy the refreshment that comes from the springs of eternal life.
- I think of Christ’s cry of abandonment (Matt. 27.46) so that I would not be abandoned.
- I think of Christ tasting death (Heb. 2.9) so that I would never have to (John 8.52).
- I think of Christ guzzling the eternal and unmitigated wrath of God so that I would never have to!
- I think of Christ being raised from the dead to declare victory over sin and death.
- I think of Christ, who is ever ready to return, this time to recompense those who will not obey his gospel (2 Thess. 1.8-9).
- I think of Christ and I cannot think of chocolate, bunnies, or eggs…
- When I think of Christ…I don’t think of a pagan fertility day—I don’t think of Easter.
When I think of Christ, I worship…I find myself joining in the heavenly anthem with the Apostle John:
“to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen. (Revelation 1.6-7)