
I’m pleased to be able to share about a new video series that I’ve been working on with Ligonier Ministries. It’s an eight-week video series on the topic of contentment. In many ways, this series is a combination of the truths I explored in my first book, The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous Worldand my most recent Bible study on Philippians, In All Things: A Nine Week Devotional on Unshakeable Joy. (Except for the fact that I’m on camera talking about it, which feels much more out of my comfort zone than discussing these truths from the safety of written words in a book!)

The series is available now for purchase on DVD or CD, as a digital download, or as a Ligonier Connect course. A complementary study guide is also available.

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It consists of eight 23-minute videos that cover the following topics:

  • Biblical Contentment
  • Defining Contentment
  • The Source of Contentment
  • The Enemy of Contentment
  • What Causes Discontentment?
  • Patterns of Discontentment
  • An Example of Contentment
  • Cultivating Contentment

You can watch the first lesson for free here or see a glimpse of what the series is about in the video below. You can also read this article about why I think the topics of contentment and joy are so important in the church today. I hope this series will help clarify the ways we think about contentment, as well as help us fight the sin of coveting so that our lives joyfully proclaim gospel hope to the watching world.
