
     Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison—that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Col. 4:2-4

     Dear Lord Jesus, this Scripture convicts me about how sporadic my prayer life has been on behalf of servants of the gospel; and I have no excuse, since I’m one of those servants. My great consolation is in knowing that no one is more watchful and devoted to prayer than you.

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     You’re always praying for us; indeed, you never stop. Because you pray, we can pray with boldness, joy, and confidence. I’m so grateful for your steadfast, vigilant intercession, Jesus, especially in light of my own context and circumstances. Sometimes our weakness and needs become the best motivation and fuel for praying for others.

     Lord Jesus, for missionaries and church planters laboring to bring the gospel to unreached and resistant areas, grant them encouragement and fruit. You’ve bought a bride from every nation, so we pray with anticipation, not with doubt. Give your servants patience and provision, joy and hope. May the gospel be clear not only through them, but also to them. Keep their hearts alive to your great affection and mercies. Shower their marriages and friendships with the gift of your real presence and gospel nourishment.

     Lord Jesus, for your servants seeking to bring the liberating power of the gospel to places of systemic brokenness and evil, grant them protection and success. I’m thinking about the women and men who labor in arenas like human trafficking, AIDS, hunger and poverty, and other places of cruel injustice. When your servants feel most weary in doing good, give them fresh manna of gospel encouragement. Grant them favor with local authorities. Grant them good working relationships with other agencies and missions organizations. Let them know for certain that a harvest of righteousness and peace is coming.

     We praise you, Jesus, that our labors in you are never in vain; for we don’t minister for you, but with you. You’re the one who is making all things new. Your kingdom of justice and mercy will prevail. The government of the world is already on your shoulders, and there will be no end to the increase of your redeeming reign and your healing peace. So very Amen we pray, in your healing and liberating name.
