“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11
Sovereign Father, whenever I hear the command to “Be still”, my first image is an array of elementary school teachers who were always telling me to “Sit still.” They had to, because I was a squirmy, restless little person. But you’re telling us to be still, not sit still, and there’s a world and gospel of difference.
You don’t get impatient with us or frustrated by us. Father, you never stare at us with crossed arms and a furrowed brow. If we hear your foot patting, it’s only because you are running towards us in compassion and strength. We don’t disrupt your classroom, but we often do have disrupted hearts, and you notice and you care. We’re certain you care because of everything you have done for us in Jesus. The gospel is an impregnable fortress, our haven of rest, a strong tower of grace. Thus we humbly and gladly proclaim, “The Lord Almighty is with us.”
It’s in stillness of heart that we remember that you are God, and nothing else is. That’s the best news of this or any day. You have no competition. Counterfeits clamor, but you have no real competition. There are demigods, semi-gods, and wanna-be-gods everywhere, but only you are God.
Kings and nations are not god, for one Day, you will be exalted among all the nations. The nations are like droplets in the bucket of your providence. Storms and environmental disasters are not god, for you will be exalted in the earth. You send the earthquake and harness the hurricane for your purposes.
Neither are our circumstances god; nor the opinions of others; nor is getting older; nor the choices of people we love, the mistakes we make and the sins we commit. In fact, the second most comforting news of the day is that I’m not God, though at times my attitude and unbelief would indicate a measure of presumed sovereignty.
Father, be exalted in the claims, confusion and chaos of this one day. Let us see your hand and heart at work in everything. You are working all things together after the counsel of your will. You are working in all things for the good of those who love you. That includes us—it includes me, only because you first loved us in Jesus and gave him as a sacrifice for our sins. With palms, up in surrender and praise, we enter this day expectant. So very Amen, we pray, in Jesus’ excellent and exalted name.