
A Warm Asparagus Milkshake or the Living Water of the Gospel?

  “’God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up…” (1Pet. 5:5-6)


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Heavenly Father, I regret hiring a “Christian” plumber that had a “Jesus fish” on his business card but left a drippy pipe under my house. I regret not going on a fishing trip that brought home a few Yellow Finn tuna. I regret not buying Apple stock when it was $22.00 a share.

   BUT, I have never regretted humbling myself before you. Humility is the welcome mat, open door, and big hug that leads me to the dance floor of your grace. It’s not rocket science, it’s Gospel-sanity: Staying proud, getting defensive, making excuses, ignoring your Spirit’s convicting work … these things never end well.

   Really? Who in their right mind and heart wants to experience your opposition? That’s like me trying to kayak my way up Niagara Falls, or betting on my golf game against Scottie Scheffler. Or, instead of choosing a free helicopter ride out of the bottom of the Grand Canyon, choosing to hike out on two broken ankles wearing a 100 lb. backpack.

On this August Monday, by your Holy Spirit, Father, show us where we have chosen pride over humility, a stiff neck over bent knees, saving face over saving grace, a warm asparagus milkshake over the living water of the Gospel. Never let us forget that grace always runs downhill… always. So Very Amen.




