“Those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them” (Jn.6:37). “All of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain” (Heb.12:27). “We are looking forward to the new heaven and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness” (2Pet.3:13).
Holy and loving Father, right now it feels like a “whole lot of shaking is going on” in our country, world, even in our own hearts—just as you said it would be until Jesus returns. What is true and lasting? What can we really count on? The answer pretty much comes down to You and whatever you will—Hallelujah!
The “Hallelujah!” with exclamation and emphasis comes from realizing just how central we are to your will, joy, and purposes for all of history. That doesn’t make us special, it makes us yours—and we are profoundly grateful. Who are we? According to your Word, there are so many right ways to answer that question, including:
We are your treasured image bearers. We are those you carry deep, unrelenting longings to know, love, and worship you. Tragically, we are also those who are comprehensively broken and grace-needy—those who sabotage our good and eternal longings by wasting them on self and selfishness.
And, but, and “Hallelujah!”—we are those for whom you have given Jesus as our Savior and righteousness; and we are those you have individually given to Jesus as his beloved, Bride, and inheritance. We are no longer our own, we belong to Jesus. Nothing else is more true, glorious, and lasting.
Father, you will continue to “shake” things up until the Day you will send the only unshakable, true, and lasting City to our world (Rev.21-22) Until that Day, may we live, love, and serve you joyfully. Only your Kingdom, only one King—Jesus, all to your glory. So Very Amen.