When the church is worshipping in Spirit and truth (Jn.4:23), those gathered “will listen, the secrets of their hearts will be exposed, and they will fall to their knees and worship God, declaring, ‘God is truly here among you.’” 1Cor.14:25
Lord Jesus, we crave this—for your presence to be so real in our corporate worship, non-believers would join us in saving faith and adoring love. Do it again, do it afresh, Jesus—not experience for experience sake, but as a foretaste of the Day the nations will stream into the New Jerusalem (Rev.7).
May our worship be so saturated with the truth and grace of the Gospel, and the sovereign work of your Spirit, that all of us—believers and nonbelievers alike, will be overwhelmed with your presence and captured by your love. We remember seasons when we loved you with childlike wonder, Gospel-astonishment, and unrestrained affection—and it’s a holy and right desire to long to be restored to the joy of your salvation and the freedom you have won for us. We will bow one Day before you in unfiltered worship (Phil.2:11), why not bow anew this day?
Because of what you have done for us on the cross, we don’t have to be afraid of having “the secrets of our hearts exposed”—or anything else we have done, do, or are. You took our judgment and gave us your righteousness. Our need is greater than we realize, and you are more loving and generous than we ever hoped—or once knew but have forgotten. Renew, refresh, revitalize us, Jesus. Hallelujah, our Father isn’t seeking great worship, but true worshippers—those who worship you in “Spirit and truth” (Jn.4:23). So Very Amen.