
Being “In Christ” Is Gloriously Blessed and Bodacious

  “If you are in Christ, it means you haven’t just been given newness of life through the Gospel, but that you are also now a part of the promised ‘new creation order’—the messianic age, the kingdom of heaven, the firstfruits of the new heaven and new earth” (Paraphrase of 2Cor.5:17).


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There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” (Rom.8:1). Because of Abba, you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1Cor.1:30).


Lord Jesus, hallelujah for the preposition “in.” It’s one we use all the time, as in “I’m in such a hurry.” Or “I’m in a messy situation.” Or “I’m in a gorgeous, trout-filled stream, flowing at a perfect 1.5-2.5 mph pace.”

But there’s never been, nor will there ever be, a most awesome use “in”” than when it’s describing the relationship we have with you. Through the Gospel, you have given us the most intimate, enriching, unbreakable relationship with yourself imaginable.

Jesus, help us see how our “in-Christ-ness” now defines us more than anything else. In union with you, we are forgiven, righteous, and beloved—because you are our “righteousness, holiness, and redemption” (1Cor.1:30). To be “in Christ” means we’ve been called, are loved and will be kept by you all the way Home (Jude 1:1).

Hallelujah and thank you, for you have numbered our days, hairs, pains, and tears. You love us infinitely more than we love you, and are 10,000 times more excited about your return than we are. Oh, Jesus, free us, and help us “shake off our guilty fears,” dullness of heart, and our Gospel under-belief. We want to live more fully alive to the peace-giving, fear-toppling, hope-fueling realities of our “in-Christ-ness.” So Very Amen.

