
Careless and Caring Words

“The tongue can bring death or life” (Prov.18:21).

“The tongue of the wise brings healing” (Prov. 12:18).

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“Let your conversation be always full of grace” (Col. 4:6).

“What you say flows from what’s in your heart” (Luke 6:45).

“On judgment day people will account for every careless word” (Matt.12:36).


Lord Jesus, this quintet of Scriptures doesn’t need much explanation, just sober attention and faithful application. Our words can bring both harm and healing, death and life. Several times a day we get to choose which it will be. Have mercy on us, Lord, and grant us a caring conscience, wise hearts, quick repentances, and much grace.

Since our lips reveal the treasure and preoccupation of our hearts, we choose to fix our thoughts and affection on you as this day begins. Jesus, may your truth, goodness, and beauty capture and enrapture our hearts. So much so, your Spirit won’t have to work very hard to convict us of every grace-void, Gospel-contradicting word we speak.

Jesus, you only speak life to us; why would we ever speak death to anyone? In fact, in this very moment, your Spirit is telling our spirit that we belong to you and Abba… we are his beloved children and we are your cherished Bride. How humbling, how life-giving, how convicting this is.

Your tongue only brings healing; why would we ever use our’s to bring disease, infection, and harm? By your stripes and wounding we are healed, Jesus (Isa.53:5). How dare we lash anyone with our words—wounding, scaring, and crushing their spirit?

Forgive us Jesus, and change us. May we love you so well and much we’ll speak 100 healing words today for every selfish, harming, careless syllable. So Very Amen.



