Jesus to the Rich Young Ruler: “One thing you lack—the Gospel” (Mk.10:21). Jesus to Martha: “Only one thing is necessary—union and communion with me” (Lk.10:42). King David: “One thing I desire of the LORD—to be with him and gaze upon his beauty” (Ps. 27:4). The Apostle Paul: “One thing I do—I live heavenward for the ultimate prize of Jesus himself” (Phil.3:13)
Lord Jesus, you never intended our lives to become fragmented and frazzled, but freed and filled with yourself. You didn’t come to be first in our lives, but to be our lives—to be our delight, righteousness, meaning, and treasure; our reason for being and hope of glory. It is your intent and joy for us to grow into what Paul meant when he declared, “To me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil.1:21). Take us there, Jesus. Take us back there.
The Rich Young Ruler had many things—really, everything … except the essential thing—you, Jesus, you. You “had” Martha, but many other things distracted and “had” Martha. King David’s unharnessed desires took him to destructive choices and bad outcomes, until you, Jesus, became his consuming “one thing.” The Apostle Paul was capable of multitasking on steroids, but his “one thing” became “the surpassing excellency of knowing you” (Phil.3:8-9).
Jesus, if we have never known you in such a heart and life consuming way, take us there in 2025. If we remember days of unfiltered delight in you, and the embers of our first love remain, blow upon them, Jesus. Reignite our passion for you, and delight in you. Hallelujah, and So Very Amen.