
Don’t Settle for the Atrophy of Your Gratitude Muscles

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and don’t forget a single one of his benefits to you.” Ps. 103:2


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Heavenly Father, age and a lack of exercise don’t just atrophy muscle-mass, but also “gratitude-mass.” Indeed, thankfulness is a discipline of remembering before it’s a feeling of delight. Since I’d far rather finish this life “ripped” with thankfulness muscles than sporting “6-pack-abs,” here’s a few of the “benefits” I remember today. (Before you read or pray this next paragraph, know that all of this is true of you simply because you belong to Jesus).

Abba, thank you for an over-the-top glorious salvation in Jesus. You revealed the depth of my need, then lavished on me the riches of your grace. I’m hidden in Christ, standing in grace, and rooted in your love. I now live as an object of your affection and co-heir of your kingdom. Jesus prays for me, you delight in me, and the Spirit lives in me. Why would I (or any of us) ever whine, whimper, or worry?

With Jesus as my righteousness and death as great gain (Phil.1:21), you’ve given me the privilege of serving in your Story all the way Home. I love my family, and you love each of them more than I do. You’ve given me dear friends with whom to pray, play, and ponder the beauty of Jesus and the mystery of your ways. Fishing, repenting, encouraging, laughing, cooking, feasting, music and tears are all woven into the tapestry of your love for me (and us).

The things that hurt the most won’t always hurt this much. The things that weigh my heart down won’t always be this heavy. Abba, you began a work in me (and all creation) you will finish. Hallelujah… Thank you… And So Very Amen.

