
God Is God, and We Are SO Very Not God

  “The LORD is with me; I’m not gonna be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Psalm 118:6). “We even saw giants there—the descendants of Anak. We felt like grasshoppers next to them.” (Num. 13:33). “Fearing people—either being afraid of them or putting ultimate hope in them, is a dangerous trap” (Prov. 29:25). “The Lord just laughs at the wicked, for he sees their day of judgment coming.” Ps.37:13.


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Heavenly Father, ever since America voted a new president into office last Tuesday, I’ve noticed two opposite responses among dear friends, and in my larger community. On one hand, there are those whose relief and rejoicing are so great, you would think Jesus is about to come back at the next inauguration. Then there are those whose sadness and despair are so overwhelming, they are desperate for Jesus to come back before the inauguration can happen.

Both responses are understandable—as well as every response between those extremes. Yet every response to a “mere” presidential election needs tempering by what you tell us in your Word. There are real issues in our country and world that should greatly concern us. But there are ultimate realities in eternity and heaven that should radically define us.

When “mere mortals” seem bigger to us than you are, God, it impacts everything: How we see ourselves (either like fearful “grasshoppers,” or as members of the Super Bowl winning team). It impacts how we view each other—either as a friend or foe, ally or enemy. Instead we should view everyone as a bearer of your image, someone for whom Jesus died, and a neighbor we’re called to love. Forgive, free, and focus us, Abba.

No president, government, adoring spouse, sweet kids, totally supportive parents, awesome friends—no human beings can save us. And no collection of really bad representatives of all those relational categories can keep your will from being done “on earth as in heaven.” People are pitiful Abba-substitutes and salvation-less saviors. You are God and we are not—big time! Hallelujah, and So Very Amen.
