
Here’s to a Jesus Saturated 2025

To Jesus—who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood…” (Rev.1:6). “I want to know Christ.” (Phil.3:10). “To live is Christ—to die is gain.” (Phil.1:21).


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Lord Jesus, I can’t think of three better affirmations to make in the waning hours of 2024 and the beginning of 2025. Two aging apostles—John and Paul put words to what we believe, desire, and celebrate: You have freed and love us. We want to know and love you more. You don’t just give us life, Jesus, you are our life—eternal life. Hallelujah times 10,000!

We’ll never over-love you, Jesus. We’ll never push the limits of your patience or out-sin the depths of your mercy. We’ll never finish mining the riches of your grace, exhaust the wonders of your love, end the banquet of your goodness, or absorb the fullness of your beauty.

There’s so much more, but as we enter 2025, we affirm these 7 grand Gospel-realities about you and your relationship with us:

Christ Above Us: Jesus, you are already King of kings and Lord of lords—sovereign over our pain and joys, every nation and every nanosecond—at work in all things for your glory and our good.

Us In Christ: We are saved through our union with you, Jesus, not by our anything for you—good works or salty tears. You are 100% our “righteousness, holiness, and redemption” (1Cor.1:30)

Christ In Us: Because you live in us, Jesus, our hope of heaven and being completely like you one Day is certain. Oh the peace and joy this gives us.

Christ For Us: Jesus, with you “for us,” who or what can be against us? We say to our fears, anger, and self-pity, “Be gone!”

Christ With Us: Until heaven, we will never experience a Jesus-absent day. Sometimes hidden, sometimes more real than anything else—but you will never leave us.

Christ Under Us: When (not if) we fall, you catch us, hold us, and re-center us. When we cry, “Have mercy! … You always do.

Christ Towards Us: Jesus, you are coming back as our joyful, loving Bridegroom. Hallelujah, maybe in 2025, and So Very Amen.

