
“His Presence Was a Joy”

When we arrived in Macedonia, there was no rest for us. We faced conflict from every direction, with battles on the outside and fear on the inside. But God, who comforts the downcast, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus. His presence was a joy (2Cor.7:5-7).


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Lord Jesus, incidental stories in the Bible are often extraordinary gifts.  I’m grateful for this story of a depleted, fearful, conflicted Apostle Paul. I’d never compare my situation to Paul’s, but lately I’ve been feeling my “humanity” and deep ache for the Day of all things new. I’m glad your grace frees us from posing and pretending. The Gospel makes us more human, not less. Thank you.

You put your head on a pillow and slept in a boat because you were tired and sleepy (Mark 4:38-40)—not to model anything extraordinary for us. And thank you for the encouragement you send us in various forms. Though you’re quite capable of sending ravens and rainbows, manna and miracles, more often than not you send us to each other. I love how Paul referred to his friend Titus: “His presence was a joy.

Titus’ presence was a joy—not pressure for Paul to get over his weakness. Not a “learning opportunity”—as though life is always about take-aways and gaining insights. Titus’ joy wasn’t a rebuke to Paul’s weariness, it was a fountain of your kindness and encouragement. When you are close, “bruised reeds and smoldering wicks” feel no pressure to stand tall or glow like a lighthouse (Matt.12:15-21).

Even as Darlene and I have precious friends back home like Titus, during the past couple of weeks “on mission” to Scotland, England, and Ireland, we’ve been the mission field. And you’ve sent UK versions of Titus—sisters and brothers with different accents, but who all speak mercy and grace, and comfort and encouragement. Thank you Jesus. So Very Amen.



