
 “(Father) I am coming to you now,but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joywithin them.”  (Jn17:13). “What has happened to all your joy?” (Gal.4:15)


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Dear Jesus, how profound, convicting, and encouraging … you don’t just pray for our joy, but that we would have the full measure of your joy. It will take your return for us to know the fullness of your joy, we’d love a much bigger measure well before then. In fact, through the Apostle Paul, you’ve already asked us, “Where did your joy go?” (Gal.4:15). Like your peace, we tend to leak, lose, or leave your joy for some form of instant gratification.

We know your joy isn’t the absence of sadness and grief, or a state of unbroken gladness and cheerfulness. The record of your earthly life in the four Gospels makes this clear. You were both “anointed with the oil of joy” (Heb.1:9) and “a man of sorrows and very familiar with our grief” (Isa. 53:3). We’re comforted by both.

Jesus, your joy is most often seen in the Scriptures as a fruit of relationship, not a byproduct of circumstances. We almost blush with awe, as we read of the delight and intimacy you have with Abba, Father (John 17). But you’ve done everything necessary that we will have the joy of Abba loving us as much as he loves you. Hallelujah, thank you, and help our unbelief!

There’s a second relationship that highlights the wonder, intensity. and depth of your joy—your relationship with us. We are a big part of the “joy set before you” that led you to endure the cross (Heb.12:2). Get that deep into our hearts, Jesus. You already delight in us Bridegroom to Bride (Isa.62:4-5), and you are coming back with unfiltered, unrestrained, unimaginable joy—to meet us at the Wedding Feast, and carry us into a forever beyond our capacity to conceive. Make it soon, Jesus. And until then, increase our joy in you. So Very Amen.
