
In All Our Striving, Let’s Strive to Rest in God’s Rest

The promise of entering God’s rest still stands… We who have believed enter that rest… Whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest.” (Heb. 4:1-3, 9-11).


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Heavenly Father, on this 1st Sunday in February, 2025, I rejoice in the magnificent paradox and glorious irony this Scripture presents: We are to strive to rest—to strain to not strain… to stay restless till we rest fully in you… to work hard to cease working… to “sweat” till we don’t break a sweat.

This is the primary example of how the Gospel contradicts the way we’ve been taught (brainwashed) life “works”—pun intended. “You deserve it, go earn it.” “God helps them who help themselves.” “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” We may have to pay for lunch, but Jesus paid for our eternal feast, essential rest, and everlasting peace. Hallelujah!

There’s no greater rest than to know you are at peace with us, Abba—to be certain you are resting in your love towards us, and rejoicing over us with great rejoicing (Zeph.3:17). Sabbath isn’t a mere day, it’s our only Savior—Jesus, himself. “Find rest Oh my soul in God alone” (Ps.62:5).

So why, Abba, do we who have already received rest in Jesus still “strive” to enter that rest? There’s the striving of gaining, and there’s the striving of maintaining. Until Jesus returns, we’re still going to drift towards Jesus + something for our sense of “okay-ness” with you. We are legalists and performers to the core—allergic to grace and plagued with unbelief. Our rest in Jesus is like our freedom by Jesus. It’s ours forever, but we “lose it” in the moment (Gal.5:1). Abba, we treasure both our rest and our freedom and will “strive” to thrive in each. So Very Amen.

