
Jesus Is Our Armour and Gospel-Friends Are Our Cavalry

This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle isn’t yours, but God’s’” (2Chron. 20:15). “The Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s” (1Sam.17:47).


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Lord Jesus, teach us what this means—that our battles belong to you, not us. Whatever else it means, we are grateful you won the ultimate war being waged in our hearts. By your life, death, resurrection… two flags now fly over us—our white flag of surrender and your banner of love (Song of Songs 2:4).

As rebels, we’ve been reconciled to Abba, Father. As insurrectionists, you have triumphed over us through the Gospel. As independents, we’ve been adopted into a big grace-family. As captives to sin and the dominion of darkness, we’ve been rescued and delivered into the kingdom of your belovedness (Col. 1:13). Thank you Jesus.

Your cross was our Judgment Day. Your return will be our Wedding Day. Your present enthronement is our Peace-for-Every-Day. Hallelujah, and thank you, Lord! Since our battles are yours…  faith, hope, and love are the order of the day—not fear, despair, and anger. Practically, so very practically, what does this look like Jesus?

Help us trust you when the devil-lion roars (1Pet.5:8), when our own sinful desires wage war against our souls (1Pet.2:11), and when we wrongly believe “flesh and blood” (people) are our biggest enemies, not the “spiritual forces of evil” (Eph.6:12).

Jesus, you, yourself, are the whole “armor of God” (Eph.6:10-18)—our “righteousness, holiness, and redemption” (1Cor.1:30). And today, I (we) especially thank you for the “cavalry” you’ve given us—Gospel-friends who fight for our hearts, pray for us by the Spirit, bear our burdens, and go with us into the battles that remain. Thank you Jesus, and So Very Amen.

