“Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isa. 7:11–14
Heavenly Father, what an extravagantly patient, faithful, and generous God you are. Advent underscores your irrepressible, limitless, transforming grace. Your promise to send “Immanuel” was given in the context of King Ahaz’s arrogance, stubbornness, and refusal to trust you. Though he was the current King of Israel, he lived more like the “archbishop” of unbelief, self-interest, and self-trust.
Alas, we lament how much we can be like King Ahaz. We love you, Father, but when life is hard, stress is up, and you “run late,” we get impatient. Our fears, unbelief, and “resourcefulness” take over—which never ends well. Father, we grieve our little faith and lack of trust.
Thus, our own weakness makes the promise of “Immanuel” precious to us. In full view of our worse, you gave your best—your beloved Son. By sending Jesus to be our “Immanuel,” you’ve proven yourself to be the God who isn’t only with us, but the God who is so very much for us.
Indeed, Jesus is the “Yes!” to every promise you have made to save us, and make all things new (2 Cor. 1:20). During Advent, as we sing, and cry out, “O Come O Come Immanuel,” our peace comes from knowing Jesus fulfills every name, title, and promise in this great hymn.
Jesus is our “Wisdom from on High, the Lord of Might, the Branch of Jesse’s Stem, the Key of David, the Bright and Morning Star, King of Nations and King of Peace.” So Very Amen, and Lord Jesus, come quickly. Your Bride awaits you.