
Jesus, Teach Us To …

Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray…’” (Luke 11:1)


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Lord Jesus, when your disciples asked you about prayer, you didn’t miss a beat. You gave them what we now call “the Lord’s Prayer”—not just words worth memorizing, but a whole new way of life shaped by the Gospel. Following the disciples lead, here are some more things—five, to be specific, we’d love you to teach us.


Jesus, teach us how to keep our fellowship with you intimate, fresh, and vibrant. So much so, we’ll live more of our day with a non-anxious, peaceful calm in our hearts. We’d love to have people ask us about our hope (1Pet.3:15).


Jesus, teach us how to remember the Gospel 10 times better than we remember how people have nailed, failed, and bailed on us. May the Spirit make your love bigger and better than life (Ps.63:3), and our personal hurts smaller and lesser in impact.


Jesus, teach us to rush to you quicker than we rush to assuming the worse about people or situations. What do we not know about someone’s story, day, or struggles? Let us see what you see, Jesus.


Jesus, teach us to stay aware of what you are doing throughout the world—which is tons of awesome, redemptive stuff. When we think exclusively about our own national zip code and “hood,” we miss out on the good you are doing right now among the nations of the world.


Jesus, keep teaching us the secret of contentment (Phil.4:11-13), the power of gratitude (1Thess.5:8), and about our calling to be non-stop encouragers (Heb.10:25). Thank you, and So Very Amen.
