
Jesus—the Starter, Middler, and Finisher

The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.” Matt. 13:33


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Lord Jesus, personally, I’m glad you didn’t say, “Heaven’s Kingdom is like gluten-free bread.” But whether we are vegan, pescatarian, paleotarian, or Presbyterian—this parable is timely, encouraging, and convicting. One woman mixes a little yeast (sourdough-starter) into enough wheat to yield 40-60 pounds of dough. That translates into sixty loaves of bread. This story is awesome on many levels.

It’s a parable of generosity. This woman’s heart was bigger than her “bungalow.” Her labors were labors of love for the benefit of many. Hallelujah, your kingdom and kindness are a gazillion times bigger than our hearts, wishes, and willingness to love. You aren’t just saving our “tribe,” but an every-nation Bride for yourself.

It’s also a story of trust and hope. Her confidence was in the permeating, transforming power of “the starter” to change everything. Jesus, as Bread from Heaven and the Bread of Life (John 6:22-29), you aren’t just the “starter,” you are the “finisher” of God’s kingdom story of redemption, renewal, and restoration. We don’t have to be afraid, live afraid—think, speak, or act by fear.

There’s no expiration date on the “yeast” of your kingdom and kindness. There’s only an expiration date on all evil, sin, and brokenness. The present disheartening moment in world history isn’t the whole story or the last chapter. Things aren’t as they appear. You are presently making all things new and beautiful—and you will

Jesus, “leaven” our lives, churches, and communities with your presence and grace. We don’t have to get meaner, louder, more anxious and less loving to make a point. You aren’t into “making points” but filling the cosmos with your beauty and glory. Thank you, and So Very Amen.


