
To the one who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it. Rev. 2:17

Lord Jesus, first and foremost, we offer you loud praise and a huge “Thank you!,” on this February Tuesday. It’s only because you overcame sin and death for us that we humbly wear the label  “overcomers.”

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It’s only because you drank the cup of our judgment that we’ll feast forever on the “hidden manna” of heaven. We will overcome all the way into the new heaven and new earth, because our lives are hidden in you—the great Overcomer.

Now about a “new name”… whether or not we’ll literally discover a new name on our “new birth certificate” or a “white stone,” remains to be seen. But in a world of dismissive labels, demeaning titles, and “cancel culture,” it is more than enough to know that when you look at us—each of us, you say “You are mine! My righteousness is yours, my desire is for you, my delight is in you. I know you, and I love you.”

Lord Jesus, we believe, help our unbelief. We are grateful the Gospel renames, renews, and releases us from old destructive labels—no matter their origin. So very Amen we pray, in your all glorious, all grace-full, every-knee-is-going-to-bow-to name.
