“Rejoice, don’t be afraid, for your days of living in shame are over! Rest deep, don’t be anxious; because all of your disgrace is gone, only grace remains. The memory of your shameful youth and sorrowful widowhood no longer define you and will be forgotten. Why? How? Because the God who created now cherishes you as his bride. He is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth.” (Paraphrase of Isaiah 54:4-5)
Lord Jesus, your Word, work, and Gospel are welcome for wanderers, rescue for rebels, balm for the broken, and freedom for prisoners. You are the fulfiller and giver of everything promised in this portion of Scripture, and in the entire Bible. “Thank you” seems too anemic of a response to such riches. Cartwheels, dancing, falling down in adoring love are all in order.
Because of what you’ve done for us, Jesus, we don’t have to pose or pretend, hide and cower, do more or try harder. There’s nothing about us you don’t know. There’s nothing left to discover, shock, or disappoint you. You don’t love us as we should be, or will be, but as we are right now. You have taken our guilt, forgiven our sin, and dressed us in your righteousness—truths that should buckle our knees and enflame our hearts.
When you cried, “It is finished” from the cross, you weren’t exaggerating. As the Lord of Heaven’s Armies you were pillaging the devil, harrowing hell, and marrying us. There’s no more disgrace, anti-grace, or un-grace left for us, only grace upon grace. We no longer live in shame, but in, by, and with you, Jesus. Your name is Redeemer, and our name is desired and beloved. So Very Amen