
No Temptation and No Giving into Temptation Is Beyond Grace

 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1Cor.10:13


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Lord Jesus, thank you for the daily-ness of your warnings and the persistence of your woo-ings. For Satan is relentless in his commitment to “steal, kill, and destroy” us (Jn.10:10). Some days we feel more vulnerable to his enticements than other days. And some days, like Peter, we become his mouthpiece for harming others (Matt.16:33). In both scenarios, meet us Lord.

Thankfully, you give limitless grace, eternal wisdom, and resurrection power. The very fact that we often pass on your offer of mercy and grace underscores our weakness and vulnerability. It also confirms our daily need of the Gospel.

Jesus, some of us palpably aware of how sin is crouching at our door, wanting to seize us like it did Cain (Gen.4:7). Jesus, grab us, grace us, hold us. Temptation’s lure is hard to ignore at times. When we’re depleted, lonely, physically ill, or spiritually under-nourished, we are capable of making choices we will only regret.

Thank you for promising a way of escape and endurance for every temptation we experience in life. But, hallelujah, you also promise a way of redemption and repair when we give into temptation. You give daily mercies because we need them. You give moment-to-moment grace because you are so loving and we are very weak.

Jesus, you often give fresh grace through faithful friends. What friends do we need to call to share our weakness and need for prayer—and enter their heart struggle as well? We truly need each other. So Very Amen.

